In August of 2019, we celebrated our 75th Anniversary and launched a new Capital Campaign. We envision significant MOMENTUM is building right now to propel the impactful and fruitful ministry of EIBC well into the future. As of December 22, 2021 we have raised $171,514.54 of our $650,000 goal and we are excited to see what God has in store for 2022. Would you consider moving us closer to this goal with your year-end gift?
Just since 2012 EIBC has grown significantly.
- 100% increase in summer camp attendance and growing
- 50% increase in conference and retreat participation (college campus ministries, junior and senior high youth groups, men’s and women’s groups, just to name a few).
- Our new pond/lake construction was completed in 2020 and we celebrated the pond being full in 2022
- In summer 2021 alone we had 120 summer youth campers make a decision to put their personal faith and trust in Christ.
- Well over $750,000 of campus improvements (chapel renovation, Newton Building addition, new staff residence, 700 ft. zip line, lake, lake storage building just to name a few)
We feel called to expand.
Moving forward, we want to maximize the potential of our 40 acres for the Gospel to be shared with even more campers with key facility improvements:
- A new multipurpose building. This would include a gymnasium, locker rooms, commercial kitchen, dining, and year-round bunk rooms. This would give us the ability to serve larger retreat groups, increase our dining capabilities, improve recreation offerings, expand activities on rainy summer days, and open the door to be able to serve 2 groups simultaneously.
- A new swimming pool. Our current pool is nearly 50 years old and needs to be replaced. The pool would be built in conjunction with the muti-purpose building so the locker/shower rooms could be shared.
- Additional year-round lodging. This would allow us to have additional and more modern summer camp lodging, increased overall bed space, and more housing options to better serve 2 groups at the same time.

Our goal is to raise $650,000 to accomplish the next phase of our campus improvement through one time giving, pledges, and recurring financial partnerships.
Giving option #1
Mail a donation to
East Iowa Bible Camp
1433 F52 Trail
Deep River, IA 52222
Put “momentum campaign” on the memo line of the check
Giving Option #2
Donate online and choose the “momentum campaign” category. Make a one time gift or set up a recurring donation.